Chain | Cohn | Clark attorney joins El Cascabel on Spanish radio station La Caliente 96.9
March 9, 2016 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | At the Firm , Audio , News & Media , Tips & Information , Video Social Share

Chain | Cohn | Clark has partnered with La Caliente 96.9 to assist radio station listeners who need help with their potential accident, injury or workers’ compensation* cases.
Workers’ compensation associate attorney Beatriz Trejo, who is bilingual in English and Spanish, has become a regular of sorts on El Show De Cascabel, a Spanish language show. The program is hosted by Juan Leal, who goes by the nickname “El Cascabel,” and Marina Moreno, whose alias is “La China.” The widely popular Kern County show airs on FM station 96.9 from 2 to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Trejo appeared recently on the show, in a 6 to 7 p.m. segment to discuss her services, and answer questions from listeners. More than dozen listeners called into the show, and others asked for legal assistance through the radio station’s Facebook page. Questions included how to handle employers who threaten to fire employees who report issues they may be having at work, how to properly handle paperwork related to work injuries, and much more.
To listen to Beatriz’s appearances on the El Cascabel show, see the links at the bottom of the page. You can also catch her live periodically at 96.9 FM, or listen online by clicking here.
Trejo could also be heard at various times during the week with El Cascabel answering pressing legal questions from listeners throughout Bakersfield and Kern County.
Trejo earned her bachelor’s degree from Cal State Bakersfield and her master’s degree from Cal State Northridge. She earned her law degree from the University of Akron School of Law in Ohio. Trejo has a distinct advantage in her profession in that she is a former defense attorney and is familiar with the inner workings of insurance companies, insurance carriers, and self-insured employers. She joined Chain | Cohn | Clark to fight for injured workers in 2014.
As for the radio show’s hosts, Juan Leal has been a radio personality since 1995 in Mexico and the United States. He has developed a following throughout Kern County for his sense of humor, sincerity and community engagement. You may have heard is voice on local auto dealership spots, infomercials, narrations, commercials, and spoken word poetry. His partner, Marina “La China” Moreno has been featured on the radio since 2003.
Stay tuned to 96.9 FM for more in this partnership.
And if you or a someone you know needs assistance with a potential accident, injury or workers’ compensation case, call the lawyers at Chain | Cohn | Clark for a free consultation at 661-323-4000, or visit the website to learn more about our Bakersfield law firm.
Click the links below to listen to Beatriz Trejo on El Cascabel Show on La Caliente 96.9 FM:
*NOTICE: Making a false or fraudulent Workers’ Compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in a prison or a fine of up to $150,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.