CCS-sponsored Fog Run helps local at-risk youth, victims of crimes
December 16, 2014 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | At the Firm , Community Service Social Share

Each winter, hundreds of runners and community supporters make a trip to the outskirts of Bakersfield and run in the fog to support local victims of violent crimes, and to help at-risk youth turn their lives around.
It’s called the Fog Run, and for the last several years, the Bakersfield personal injury law firm Chain | Cohn | Clark has been a supporter and sponsor of the worthy community cause.
The 26th Fog Run 5K and 10K will be held Jan. 10 this year at Lake Ming, and is hosted by the Probation Auxiliary County of Kern, or PACK, and the Kern County Probation Department benefiting the Alliance Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault. Funds raised through the Fog Run provide crime victims with victim relocation, court accompaniment, resources, and referral assistance. The money also helps provide at-risk youth with tattoo removal, vocational training, parenting classes, mentoring, and anti-bullying presentations for second-grade classes in Kern County.
The Fog Run drew some 700 people last year, and this year organizers are aiming for more than 800.
“We’re always happy to assist with programs and events that help make our hometown of Kern County a better place for everyone, and the annual Fog Run is definitely something we can all stand behind,” said Matt Clark, senior partner at Chain | Cohn | Clark and participant in the Fog Run.
The Probation Auxiliary County of Kern is a nonprofit corporation that assists youth in the local juvenile justice system and those at-risk of entering the system. It is endorsed by the Superior Court Judges of Kern County, the Kern County Probation Department and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission.
“P.A.C.K.’s mission is to provide support and services with the probation department, enabling people to become responsible citizens,” according to the group.
The group provides materials and services not included in the tax-supported budget for juvenile services including educational, recreational, and personal necessities for juveniles.
The Alliance Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault is a nonprofit organization that is committed to stop domestic violence and sexual assault in Kern County. It also assists those who suffer from domestic violence and sexual assault reclaim their lives.
The Fog Run 5K starts at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 10, with the 10K starting at 9:15 a.m. Registration takes place from 7 to 8:30 a.m.
Each participant gets a souvenir race shirt, with medals going to the top three finishers in each age group. Raffle prizes and resource booths will be featured, as well as food.
Pre-registration cost is $25 before Dec 31, and $30 after. Pre-race T-shirt, bib and packet pick-up, and in-person registration will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 8, at Rabobank Convention Center, and from 3 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 9, at Sole 2 Soul in The Marketplace.
For more information, contact Inger Summers at 868-4103, Anita Ziegeler at 868-7428, or Angelica Garcia at 868-4149.