Chain | Cohn | Clark videos focus on helping accident victims ‘move forward’
October 25, 2017 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | At the Firm , Awards & Recognition , Video Social Share

“We may not be able to press rewind on your accident, but our lawyers can help you move forward.”
That is the message that the accident, injury and workers’ compensation* law firm Chain | Cohn | Clark wants to convey with new videos airing now throughout local television and Internet sites.
What the videos now at
“Our message is that we hope you are never in need of an accident or injury attorney, but in the unfortunate event that you do, we can guarantee that you and your family will be our No. 1 priority,” said David K. Cohn, managing partner at Chain | Cohn | Clark. “We’ll make sure we take care of any and all legal issues so you can focus on your family. And we’ll do everything we can to help you recover and put the pieces back together for you and your family.”
The new videos will be airing on television stations, YouTube, and websites across Kern County. The videos showcase the four partners and attorneys at Chain | Cohn | Clark — David Cohn, Jim Yoro, and Matt Clark.
Whether you experience a motor vehicle accident, work injury, dog bite, burn injury or other incident, our attorneys and staff will be with you every step of the way. And if you or a loved one experiences elder abuse or neglect, sexual abuse, civil rights violations, or wrongful death, Chain | Cohn | Clark will help you and your family get justice, and ultimately help you move forward so you can continue on with your life.
You can watch each of the videos here:
- Jim Yoro: Helping You Move Forward
- David Cohn: Helping You Move Forward
- Matthew Clark: Helping You Move Forward
Chain | Cohn | Clark has also produced the videos in Spanish to reach the large Latino population in Kern County, who could be in need of help. You can view each of those videos here:
- Jim Yoro: Ayudándole a Seguir Adelante
- David Cohn: Ayudándole a Seguir Adelante
- Matthew Clark: Ayudándole a Seguir Adelante
The videos have been made possible with the help of Bakersfield-based Scope Studios, and feature a rewind, fast-forward theme. Scope Studios and Chain | Cohn | Clark have partnered in the past to convey a visual element to the law firm’s vision and goals. These past videos include “Meet the Attorneys” videos that introduce each lawyer at the firm, testimonials from real clients, and double-exposure videos that dramatically illustrate how the law office focuses on clients’ well-being as the No. 1 priority. The “Meet the Attorneys” videos in particular were winners in the Legal Marketing Association’s “Your Honor Awards.”
Click the links below to watch those videos:
— By Michael Earnest for Chain | Cohn | Clark
If you or someone you know if hurt in an accident or injured at work, call the Bakersfield attorneys at Chain | Cohn | Clark, or visit the website.
*NOTICE: Making a false or fraudulent Workers’ Compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in a prison or a fine of up to $150,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.