Check your (safety) list twice for an injury-free holiday season
December 19, 2018 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | Tips & Information Social Share

As Santa checks his list, you also should be checking your list this holiday season — your safety checklist, that is.
The holidays are ripe with dangers, from roadway hazards during holiday travel, to dangers at home from keeping warm and holiday decorating. It’s important you and your family take careful steps in celebrating, and make it through the holiday season injury-free.
Take note of these important safety tips courtesy of the accident, injury and workers’ compensation law firm Chain | Cohn | Clark.
Holiday Travel
California Highway Patrol is conducting a DUI “maximum enforcement period” during the holidays, and encouraging Californians to use other travel options if they choose to consume drugs and alcohol, including medications, prescription or over the counter drugs that are common during the cold season.
Bakersfield Police Department, too, is helping spread the message about the dangers of drunk and drugged driving to get impaired drivers off roads. In partnership with California Office of Traffic Safety and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, officers are launching the high-visibility enforcement campaign “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” through January 1. During this time, more officers will be on the streets of Bakersfield conducting saturation patrols, looking for drivers who are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, driving aggressively or distracted, and making sure drivers are properly licensed.
During the Christmas and New Year’s weekends in 2017, 25 people were killed and 643 injured on California roads, according to CHP. Don’t let yourself be a statistics this year.
“Any arrest during the holidays means a family that won’t have a loved one present during the holidays — due to an arrest or worse — because of a decision made to drive while under the influence,” said Matt Clark, attorney with Chain | Cohn | Clark. “Not only are you putting your life at risk, you are putting the lives of other innocent families at risk by driving under the influence. Just don’t do it.”
If you’re traveling long distances, plan your trip ahead of time and prepare for any potential emergencies.
Decorating Safely
Decorating is one of the best parts of the holidays, but it also leads to thousands of emergency room visits every season. Here are a few tips to prevent accidents and injuries:
- Hang breakable ornaments at top of the tree. This leaves room for kids to decorate the bottom with non-breakable items.
- Always use the proper step ladder; don’t stand on chairs or other furniture.
- Keep harmful plants out of reach. Some popular holiday plants are poisonous to children and pets, including mistletoe and holly berries.
- Be aware of devices with button batteries. Keep those devices out of children’s reach.
Staying Warm
Thousands of deaths are caused by fires, burns and other fire-related injuries every year, and 12 percent of home candle fires occur in December, according to the National Safety Council, due to increased usage of candles and fireplaces, combined with an increase in the amount of combustible, seasonal decorations in many homes. To prevent fires and burn injuries at home:
- Water natural trees regularly. When needles are dry, they can catch fire easily.
- Turn off decorative lights before leaving home or going to sleep. Regularly check lights for exposed or frayed wires and loose connections.
- Keep candles and matches out of reach. Lit candles should be at least 12 inches away from anything that can burn, and don’t forget to blow them out when you leave the room or before you go to sleep. Store matches and lighters out of children’s reach and sight.
- Check smoke alarms. Make sure there is a working smoke alarm on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and near sleeping areas. Review your fire escape plan with family members and guests.
- Don’t burn trees, wreaths or wrapping paper in the fireplace.
- Check and clean the chimney and fireplace area at least once a year
If you or someone you know is injured in an accident, contact the accident and injury lawyers at Chain | Cohn | Clark by calling (661) 323-4000, or chat with us online.