Two-wheeled transportation safety tips for bike, motorcycle month and beyond
May 31, 2017 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | Community Service , Tips & Information Social Share

May is National Bike Month as well as National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, where we celebrate the benefits of riding on two wheels, while remembering the dangers of doing so and measures to help keep everyone as safe as possible.
California is ranked No. 4 in the United States for percentage of commuters who bike to work, according to the 2016 Benchmarking Report by the Alliance for Walking & Biking. California was also above the state average in commuters who walk, bike or take public transit to work, and in getting 150 minutes or more of aerobic exercise.
But the increase of people enjoying life on two wheels has unfortunately led to an increase of bicycle and motorcycle accidents on our roadways.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 818 bicycle fatalities in 2015 in the United States, which was a 12 percent rise from the previous year. Nearly 40 percent of all these fatalities were influenced by alcohol. To combat this disturbing trend, California has passed legislation, including the “Move Over Law” which requires motorists to have a 3-foot space from cyclists. Read more about that law here.
At Chain | Cohn | Clark, we believe we should all share the road, and be extra careful when driving around motorcyclist and bicyclists.
Our law firm has been a proud partner of Bike Bakersfield, whose mission it is to promote bicycling as a safe, fun and environmentally-friendly means of everyday transportation. Recently, Chain | Cohn | Clark served as a sponsor for Project Light Up The Night, where volunteers hand out hundreds of free bicycle lights in various locations throughout Bakersfield. The law firm also donated 100 safety helmets to east Bakersfield students during a Bike Bakersfield “Kidical Mass,” which featured bike repairs, safety demonstrations, and a group bike ride.
We ask you, the reader, to take responsibility in making sure our roadways are safe for cyclist and motorist alike. Here are a few tips on how we can make cycling, riding and driving in Bakersfield safer and more enjoyable:
Rules of the Road for All
- Know the Rules of the Road: Bicycles and motorcycles are considered vehicles on the road with all the rights and responsibilities of automobiles.
- Be Predictable: Ride in a straight line, use signal turns, and signal lane changes.
- Be Easily Seen: Dress “bright and tight,” which means being seen, and not getting tangled up in your bike.
- Think Ahead: Anticipate what other motorists will do next, whether it’s turning, braking or accelerating.
- Ride Ready: Make sure everything on your bicycle is in working condition.
- Ride and Drive Focused: Never ride or drive distracted.
- Safety First: Always wear a helmet when on a bicycle or motorcycle, and a seat belt when in a vehicle. A DOT certified helmet is recommended for riders. Cyclists should consider a horn or bell to get others’ attention, as well as reflectors. Motorcyclists should make sure headlights and taillights are in working order, too.
- Alcohol and Drug-Free: Never get behind the wheel (or wheels) under the influence of any substance.
For more bicycle and motorcycle safety tips, click here to read previous Blogging for Justice posts related to two-wheel safety.
— Michael Earnest for Chain | Cohn | Clark
If you or someone you know has been injured in a bicycle accident, please call the attorneys at Chain | Cohn | Clark as soon as possible at (661) 323-4000, or visit the website