Chain | Cohn | Clark partners with city, homeless center in freeway litter cleanup project
April 16, 2014 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | At the Firm , Awards & Recognition , Community Service , News & Media , Video Social Share

It was Bakersfield’s Buck Owens who made the “Streets of Bakersfield” famous in the 1970s, through his iconic country music song. In recent years, however, those streets have become infamous for the litter that scatters the pavement.
At Chain | Cohn | Clark, we’re proud of our community, our city and our streets, and we wish to keep our city as clean and healthy as possible.
This year, on our 80-year anniversary and as a gift to the city we’ve served during that time, we’ve sponsored the City of Bakersfield’s “Freeway Litter Cleanup Project.” Here’s how it works:
Our sponsorship dollars go to pay residents from the Bakersfield Homeless Center to clean up our portion of the newest Bakersfield freeway — the Westside Parkway. Our sponsored highway section is at Coffee Road, eastbound on the Parkway.
The program is a win for everyone involved: it keeps our freeway clean, increases community pride, gives jobs to the homeless, and sponsorships keep costs down for the city and homeless center.
The program — partnering the homeless center with the city, and local business — has been hailed nationwide by other county and city governments.
Recently, Chain | Cohn | Clark received a letter from Bakersfield Mayor Harvey Hall thanking us for our participation.
“Working together we will best this blight, that for too long has marred the landscape in our city,” Hall wrote in the letter.