Veteran Chain | Cohn | Clark employee named 2016 Kern County ‘Paralegal of the Year’
June 15, 2016 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | At the Firm , Awards & Recognition , News & Media Social Share

Hana Tarin, a veteran paralegal in Kern County and at Bakersfield-based law firm Chain | Cohn | Clark, has been named the 2016 “Paralegal of the Year” by the Kern County Paralegal Association.
Tarin was honored during a Kern County Paralegal Association awards luncheon on June 9 at the Petroleum Club of Bakersfield.
“I am truly honored to have received this award,” Tarin said. “I am blessed to work for such a great employer and great attorneys who do so much for our clients.”
The award was highlighted in The Bakersfield Californian newspaper, the Kern County Paralegal Association’s “The Paralegal Post magazine,” and also the Kern County Bar Association’s “Res Ipsa Loquitor” magazine.
Hana joined Chain | Cohn | Clark 20 years ago, and is the medical paralegal on personal injury cases, many of which include complex issues ranging from orthopedic injuries to traumatic brain injuries. Her duties include obtaining medical records and reports, dealing with expert witnesses on cases and writing medical summaries.
“Hana’s ability to identify the needs of cases is second to none,” said Chain | Cohn | Clark managing attorney David Cohn. “And the time she dedicates to writing summaries saves attorneys valuable time in analyzing expert opinions and preparing for depositions. Her vast knowledge of medical experts up and down the state of California benefits our practice on an everyday basis, and her ability to decipher medical records should qualify her for the name Dr. Tarin.”
This year, Hana has successfully contributed to several high-profile, multi-million dollar cases. She was the medical paralegal in charge of a complex motorcycle amputation accident that included more than a dozen expert witnesses. That case settled recently for $10 million.
She has shown time after time her superior knowledge of the ever-changing issues surrounding the admissibility of medical bills.
“She has been nothing short of a gem in the law office throughout her tenure,” Cohn said.
She is a leader in the office in collecting toys or clothes for the disadvantaged in our community, and fundraising in the office for local nonprofits. She once earned a certificate of recognition for community service from the Kern County Bar Association.
In addition to her stellar work ethic, Hana is the sweetest woman. She never gets upset and never raises her voice, staff and attorneys at Chain | Cohn | Clark shared.
Her personality is also reflected in her work with clients, preparing them for depositions and always willing to give them the time and day to answer their questions. Numerous clients this year have, in testimonials, relayed their appreciation for Hana, her kindness and patience.
She is extremely good at helping clients after their cases get settled, doing the homework necessary to get them their money, including resolving health care liens, and Medi-Cal and Medicare issues. She works close with structured settlement groups to help clients better arrange the funds they have received.
For her stellar work, Hana been recognized several times before. In 2010, Hana was selected at the Kern County Paralegal Association “Member of the Year” for her dedication to community affairs and the pro bono/teen court. She served as the vice president of Kern County Paralegal Association in 2011-12. She earned her national designation of Certified Legal Assistant (CLA) from National Association of Legal Assistants, and her Attorney Assistant Certificate in Worker’s Compensation Law.
Hana graduated from San Joaquin Valley College with her legal secretary certificate, and completed the Attorney Assistant Program from California State University, Bakersfield.
Hana joins a handful of other Chain | Cohn | Clark paralegals who have been honored by the Kern County Paralegal Association. Recent “Paralegals of the Year” are as follows (asterisks denote current Chain | Cohn | Clark employees, while those with the caret symbol are former employees):
- Hana Tarin (2016)*
- Cathy McDonel (2015)
- Dee Fringer (2014)
- Karen Clemans (2013)
- Kay Roberts (2012)*
- Barbara Hass (2011)*
- Lou Stoker (2010)^
- Barbara Oldfield (2009)
- Jennifer Rodges (2008)
- LeAnn Banducci (2007)
- Leslie Larson (2006)^
- Robin Woollomes (2005)
- Aneta Adams (2004)
- Barbara Hass (2003)*
- Lauri Taylor (2002)^
- Michelle Whitaker (2001)