Chain | Cohn | Clark sponsors back-to-school shopping spree for local disadvantaged youth
August 3, 2016 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | At the Firm , Community Service , News & Media , Video Social Share

The 2016-17 school year is nearly here, which means many parents and children are preparing to go back-to-school shopping.
Unfortunately, that may not be the case for many underprivileged children in Kern County whose families are not be able to afford new clothes and supplies for the upcoming school year. But more than 200 of these local students and families won’t have to worry this year thanks to the Bakersfield Active 20-30 Club‘s annual “Childspree” back-to-school shopping program.
And Chain | Cohn | Clark, for the third year, is partnering with the nonprofit in the annual program as a sponsor.
The event takes dozens of youth shopping at Kohl’s department stores in Bakersfield, and this year will be held on Saturday, Aug. 6. Each child is given a backpack filled with school supplies along with a $100 Kohl’s gift card for clothes. Volunteers, including several attorneys and employees at Chain | Cohn | Clark, help the children pick out their clothes.
“To see the children smile from ear to ear when they realize they will have a new pair of shoes for the school year, or new jeans, is amazing,” said David Cohn, managing partner of Chain | Cohn | Clark. “We’re just happy to be able to help some of our local families in need.”
Along with Chain | Cohn | Clark and Active 20-30 Club of Bakersfield, other participating groups include CASA of Kern County, Community Connection for Child Care, and California Youth Connection Kern County.
The event is truly helpful for many underprivileged families, and one that children and volunteers alike look forward to, said Brain Dean, former president of the Bakersfield Active 20-30 Club, in last year’s coverage of the event by The Bakersfield Californian.
“I feel it is important to help children in need so we can provide them some great experiences while growing up, as well as help them become successful, confident members of society,” Dean said.
Some past volunteers include the law firm’s very own worker’s compensation* lawyer James Yoro and wife Rev Yoro, as well as personal injury attorneys Neil Gehlawat and Matt Clark.
Active 20-30 Club of Bakersfield was founded in 1928, and hosts several events each year to benefit local children’s charities.
View more information on “Childspree” and other Active 20-30 Club events.
Also check out more of Chain | Cohn | Clark’s community involvement.
— By Evelyn Andrade for Chain | Cohn | Clark
- Chain | Cohn | Clark sponsors 2016 Bakersfield Active 20-30 Club’s “Childspree” (KGET-17, NBC – July 19, 2016)
*Notice: Making a false or fraudulent worker’s compensation claim is a felony subject to up to five (5) years in a prison or a fine of up to $150,000.00 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.