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Commercials: The Plain Truth

A Holiday Collection of Injury Tales: Local Lawyers Recommend A Festive Plan (Attorney Matt Clark)

In this holiday season, festivities in sight local lawyers recommend a plan for the night. If you’re out at a party and want to imbibe, sit shotgun or ride share, …

A Holiday Collection of Injury Tales: Only One Accident Firm In Kern 90 Years (Attorney Matt Clark)

Home injured in bed Jack watched the TV, Another out-of-town lawyer disguised as the firm down the street. But Jack wasn’t fooled the choice was quite clear, There’s only one …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Hire A Local Injury Law Firm – Be A Neighbor, Not A Number

Reason No. 944 why you should never hire an attorney from Los Angeles to handle your accident or injury case in Kern County: To them you’re a number, to us …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Hire A Local Injury Law Firm – Don’t ‘Settle’ For L.A. Lawyers

Reason No. 691 why you should never hire an attorney from Los Angeles to handle your accident or injury case in Kern County: They’ll settle for anything, but that doesn’t …

Chain | Cohn | Clark : Hire A Local Injury Law Firm – Whose Phone Number Starts With 6-6-1

Reason No. 810 why you should never hire an attorney from Los Angeles to handle your accident or injury case in Kern County: Your attorneys phone number should start with …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Hire A Local Injury Law Firm – Closer Than Disneyland

Reason No. 276 why you should never hire an attorney from Los Angeles to handle your accident or injury case in Kern County: Your lawyer’s office should be closer than …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Contrate Abogados Locales – Mas Cerca Que Disneyland

Razón número 762 por la que nunca debe contratar a un abogado de Los Ángeles para manejar su caso de accidente o lastimadura en el condado de Kern: La oficina …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Contrate Abogados Locales – No Llenes Tu Tanque De Gasolina

Razón número 762 por la que nunca debe contratar a un abogado de Los Ángeles para manejar su caso de accidente o lastimadura en el condado de Kern: Usted no …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Contrate Abogados Locales – No Seas Un Número, Elige Un Vecino

Razón número 762 por la que nunca debe contratar a un abogado de Los Ángeles para manejar su caso de accidente o lastimadura en el condado de Kern: Para los …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Hire A Local Injury Law Firm – No Catchy Phone Numbers

Reason No. 549 why you should never hire an attorney from Los Angeles to handle your accident or injury case in Kern County: If all they have going for them …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Hire A Local Injury Law Firm – Closer To Buck Owens Than Wilshire

Reason No. 605 why you should never hire an attorney from Los Angeles to handle your accident or injury case in Kern County: Your lawyer’s office should probably be closer …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Hire A Local Injury Law Firm – L.A. Lawyers Can’t Get Here Without Google Maps

Reason No. 284 why you should never hire an attorney from Los Angeles to handle your accident or injury case in Kern County: We’re your neighbors, and they don’t know …

Chain | Cohn | Clark: Hire A Local Injury Law Firm – They’re Not Better In L.A.

Reason No. 771 why you should never hire an attorney from Los Angeles to handle your accident or injury case in Kern County: Some things might be better in L.A.; …

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