Kern County votes Chain | Cohn | Clark as ‘Best Law Firm’ for 2015 for third straight year; David Cohn as ‘Best Lawyer’
April 27, 2015 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | At the Firm , Awards & Recognition , News & Media Social Share

For the third year straight, the people of Bakersfield and Kern County voted Chain | Cohn | Clark as the “Best Law Firm” through The Bakersfield Californian Readers’ Choice Poll for 2015.
Additionally, managing partner David K. Cohn was voted the 2015 “Best Lawyer” for the second year. He was voted “Best Lawyer” in Bakersfield in 2013 — the first year this category was introduced to the poll — and as a “Favorite” in the “Best Lawyer” category in 2014.
More than 20 years ago, The Bakersfield Californian unveiled a contest where readers would select the best that Bakersfield had to offer. They nominated, voted, and chose the best restaurants, shops, services and people in our community. The winners are announced each year in Bakersfield Life Magazine.
This year, Bakersfield Life Magazine wrote:
Chain | Cohn | Clark has become a landmark in Kern County with a reputation of helping our own neighbors get through tough situations since 1934.
“The best part of our jobs is running into former clients around Bakersfield, who once came to us for help in their most vulnerable moments and thanking us for helping them with their cases,” said managing partner David K. Cohn.
Something that sets the law firm apart is all or most of its staff and attorneys either were born and raised in Bakersfield, or have called it home for years. As such, the care for local cases is important to the firm.
“The results of our cases have led to safer workplaces, better roadways and, in some cases, more accountability,” Cohn added.
This year, the contest featured about 100 categories. Readers from throughout Kern County first nominated their favorites in our community, and then voted out of the nominations in each category.
For the finalists, Bakersfield Life titled the categories in the following areas: Food & Drink, Shop, Go, Do, At Your Service, and Mind, Body and Spirit. Chain | Cohn | Clark was listed under the “At Your Service” category.
The honor comes at a time of great change and milestones for the Bakersfield-based personal injury and workers’ compensation* law firm.
- In 2014, the law firm celebrated its 80-year anniversary of serving the people of Kern County.
- And this summer, Chain | Cohn | Clark will be moving into a new building in the heart of downtown Bakersfield, at the southwest corner of Chester Avenue and 18th Street. Since 1934, the firm founded by Morris Chain has been situated at various buildings all within a 1 mile-radius in downtown Bakersfield.
Chain | Cohn | Clark is the oldest personal injury law firm in Bakersfield, with attorneys and staff bred locally, giving them an extra edge that a firm outside of Kern County – or in Kern County for that matter – would never have. In all, the staff and attorneys at the law firm care about Kern County, and hold those accountable to make sure local residents are treated properly.
To read the May “Best of Bakersfield” issue of Bakersfield Life Magazine, click here. And to see the full list of winners and favorites, click here.